Are you interested in having photos TAKEN or in TAKING photos at our Nursery. Please read and or direct your photographer to the information below and fill out the online form for a photo permit to be issued to you for the date you plan to visit us.
Professional photographers must provide a certificate of liability insurance before their application is approved.
Whether the intent of your shoot is for;
Commercial use
The following guidelines apply to you:
- Keep animals on a leash.
- Keep children with you at all times.
- Please present photo subjects and material in a positive manner.
- No Smoking or alcohol.
- Cars MUST park/meet by the bridge, NOT at nursery office.
- Do not drive or park cars in tall grass due to extreme fire hazard.
- Check in with someone to provide proof of or verify your reserved photo permit.

**Park by the Bridge. Cars MUST park/meet by the bridge not at the nursery office.**
Hours and Availability:
Photo shoots during the months of May and June will be accommodated during limited hours:
Monday - Friday - 5pm to 7pm.
Saturday and Sunday 12pm to 5pm by appointment only. ($25.00).
Publishing photos online & social media
Venue credit and location tags are required for ALL digital images used on social media (Private pages AND individual profiles), blogs, websites, and any print materials used for distribution. You can easily find our website, and social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.
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